Pods, Nodes and Clusters are commonly occuring terminology in the world of K8s and container management.
A Pod is the smallest deployable unit that can be deployed and managed by Kubernetes. However, a pod can contain more than one containers. Fun fact: A group of whales is called a Pod! Whale as you know, is the logo of Docker. Thus it signifies the fact that a group of containers is called a Pod.
Now let's talk about Nodes. A Kubernetes node is a powerhouse, it is a warm, cozy home for Pods. It is a physical or a virtual machine that gives compute power and resources to the pods that it hosts.
Cluster is yet another extraction on top of Nodes. A cluster is basically a group of Nodes. Clusters orchestrate and manage the entire ensemble, ensuring seamless execution, scalability, and resilience.
Hence, the heirarchy is as follows (smallest to biggest unit)
Container (Imagine Docker) --> Pod (Smallest Kubernetes Unit) --> Node --> Cluster