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Today was a lazy Sunday for the most part of it. I came back home from a short 2 Days trip in the afternoon and had a long nap. Woke up in the evening, was still tired, so just planned to chill at home. I texted a college friend back in Bangalore, regarding how his startup is going. Because we were talking after a couple of weeks, there was a lot of back and forth, a typical catch-up session. At the end of the session, we were like cool we will catch up next week then. Then it struck me, wait what if there is a strucutred way of being caught up which each other. Cause there for sure are times when none of us take the initiative to text/call each other.

In SCRUM methodology, we have a Sprint retrospective organized after every sprint where we just re-visit all that has happened in the sprint. We can actually take inspiration from this and apply this to the friendship aspect of our lives! So this is what I want to work on now - A Friendship Retrospective Board.

The very basic MVP should have the following feature:

  1. The User has a template to fill: it has 3 questions:

    • What was the highlight of your week?
    • What are you doing these days?
    • How did your weekend look? It should have an interface of a Sprint Board.
  2. When the User answers these questions, he/she can click publish. Once published this becomes visibile to the User's followes.

  3. Only on a specific time period can you update the retroscpective I am thinking it to be from Friday 6pm to Monday 6pm of the timezone that the user is in.

Now I have to start looking into the tech to build this. I am also aiming for a larger project - Life Management tools. Just like we have Product Management tools like JIRA/Asana we need some Life Management tools.

Idea is to start looking into the open source tech that is available for PM tools and give it a LM tool.