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I am following this article: Let's make a Teeny Tiny compiler, part 1 by the very amazing Austin Henley. This blog is placeholder for my notes that I am making while I go follow Austin's article.

A compiler basically has the following flow: source code --> lexer (gives tokens) --> parser (gives program tree) --> emitter (gives compiled code)

Let's start with the lexer! Functionality: Given a string of Teeny Tiny code, it will iterate character by character to do two things: decide where each token starts/stops and what type of token it is. If the lexer is unable to do this, then it will report an error for an invalid token.

Steps on building the lexer:

  1. First we gathered the functions that we need: nextChar, peek, skipWhitespace, skipComment, abort and getToken
  2. We defined class Token which has two attributes: tokenChar and tokenKind. tokenKind is an enum.
  3. First we wrote the lexing logic for single operators like +,=, whitespace etc. Then extended this to two char operators like '==' using peek function.
  4. Then we extended the logic to identify Strings, Comments, Numbers, Identifiers and Keywords
import enum
import sys

class Lexer:
    def __init__(self, source):

    #Process the next character
    def nextChar(self):
        self.curPos += 1
        if self.curPos >= len(self.source):
            self.curChar = '\0'  # EOF (End of file)
            self.curChar = self.source[self.curPos]

    #Return the lookahead character
    def peek(self):
        if(self.curPos + 1 >= len(self.source)):
            return '\0'
            return self.source[self.curPos+1]

    #Invalid token found, print error message and exit
    def abort(self, message):
        sys.exit("Lexing error. " + message)

    #Skip whitespace except newline which indicates end of line
    def skipWhitespace(self):
        while self.curChar == ' ' or self.curChar == '\t' or self.curChar == '\r':

    #Ignore comments
    def skipComment(self):
        if self.curChar == '#':
            while self.curChar != '\n':

    #Retrun the next token
    def getToken(self):
        token = None
        # Check the first character of this token to see if we can decide what it is.
        # If it is a multiple character operator (e.g., !=), number, identifier, or keyword then we will process the rest.
        if self.curChar == '+':
            token = Token(self.curChar, TokenType.PLUS)
        elif self.curChar == '-':
            token = Token(self.curChar, TokenType.MINUS)
        elif self.curChar == '*':
            token = Token(self.curChar, TokenType.ASTERISK)
        elif self.curChar == '/':
            token = Token(self.curChar, TokenType.SLASH)
        elif self.curChar == '=':
            if self.peek() == '=':
                lastChar = self.curChar
                token = Token(lastChar + self.curChar, TokenType.EQEQ)
                token = Token(self.curChar, TokenType.EQ)
        elif self.curChar == '>':
            if self.peek() == '=':
                lastChar = self.curChar
                token = Token(lastChar + self.curChar, TokenType.GTEQ)
                token = Token(self.curChar, TokenType.GT)
        elif self.curChar == '<':
            if self.peek() == '=':
                lastChar = self.curChar
                token = Token(lastChar + self.curChar, TokenType.LTEQ)
                token = Token(self.curChar, TokenType.LT)
        elif self.curChar == '!':
            if self.peek() == '=':
                lastChar = self.curChar
                token = Token(lastChar + self.curChar, TokenType.NOTEQ)
                self.abort(f"Expected '!=' got !{self.peek()}")
        elif self.curChar == '\n':
            token = Token(self.curChar, TokenType.NEWLINE)
        elif self.curChar == '\0':
            token = Token('', TokenType.EOF)
        elif self.curChar == '\"':
            startPos = self.curPos
            while self.curChar != '\"':
                if self.curChar == '\r' or self.curChar == '\n' or self.curChar == '\t' or self.curChar == '\\' or self.curChar == '%':
                    self.abort("Illegal character in string.")
            tokText = self.source[startPos:self.curPos]
            token = Token(tokText, TokenType.STRING)
        elif self.curChar.isdigit():
            # Leading character is a digit, so this must be a number.
            # Get all consecutive digits and decimal if there is one.
            startPos = self.curPos
            while self.peek().isdigit():
            if self.peek() == '.': # Decimal!

                # Must have at least one digit after decimal.
                if not self.peek().isdigit(): 
                    # Error!
                    self.abort("Illegal character in number.")
                while self.peek().isdigit():

            tokText = self.source[startPos : self.curPos + 1] # Get the substring.
            token = Token(tokText, TokenType.NUMBER)
        elif self.curChar.isalpha():
            # Leading character is a letter, so this must be an identifier or a keyword.
            # Get all consecutive alpha numeric characters.
            startPos = self.curPos
            while self.peek().isalnum():

            # Check if the token is in the list of keywords.
            tokText = self.source[startPos : self.curPos + 1] # Get the substring.
            keyword = Token.checkIfKeyword(tokText)
            if keyword == None: # Identifier
                token = Token(tokText, TokenType.IDENT)
            else:   # Keyword
                token = Token(tokText, keyword)
            # Unknown token!
            self.abort("Unkown token: " + self.curChar)

        return token

    def __init__(self, source):
        self.source = source + '\n' # Source is basically the Source code to lex as a string. Append a newline to simplify lexing/parsing the last token/statement.
        self.curChar = ''   # Current character in the string.
        self.curPos = -1    # Current position in the string.

class Token:
    def __init__(self, tokenText, tokenKind):
        self.text = tokenText   # The token's actual text. Used for identifiers, strings, and numbers.
        self.kind = tokenKind   # The TokenType that this token is classified as.
    def checkIfKeyword(tokenText):
        for kind in TokenType:
            # Relies on all keyword enum values being 1XX.
            if == tokenText and kind.value >= 100 and kind.value < 200:
                return kind
        return None
# TokenType is our enum for all the types of tokens.
class TokenType(enum.Enum):
    EOF = -1
    NEWLINE = 0
    NUMBER = 1
    IDENT = 2
    STRING = 3 
    # Keywords.
    LABEL = 101
    GOTO = 102
    PRINT = 103
    INPUT = 104
    LET = 105
    IF = 106
    THEN = 107
    ENDIF = 108
    WHILE = 109
    REPEAT = 110
    ENDWHILE = 111
    # Operators.
    EQ = 201  
    PLUS = 202
    MINUS = 203
    ASTERISK = 204
    SLASH = 205
    EQEQ = 206
    NOTEQ = 207
    LT = 208
    LTEQ = 209
    GT = 210
    GTEQ = 211    

With this the lexer is completed!!