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Some STL Tips and Time Complexities:

Data Structures

  1. Vector

    1. Initialize a vector of size n, with int k: vector<int> v(n, k)
    2. Initialize a matrix of m rows and n columns and initialise it with int k: vector<vector<int>> a(m, vector<int>(n, k));
    3. Ops that take O(1): begin(), end(), size(), at(), push_back(), pop_back().
    4. Ops that take O(n): insert(), erase(), clear().
    5. list is similar to vector, but the underlying data structure becomes a DLL. Now you also get push_front() and pop_front() ops in O(1).
  2. Stack

    1. Ops: push(), pop(), top(), empty() all are O(1)
  3. Queue

    1. Ops: push(), pop(), front(), back(), empty() all are O(1)
    2. Deque is also some but now it gives you push_back(), pop_back(), push_front(), pop_front() options.
  4. Set

    1. In an unordered set all ops are O(1): insert(), erase(), find(), empty()
    2. In a set, insert(), erase() and find() are all O(logn). Clear is O(n).
    3. Creating a set using vector: set<int> s(v.begin(), v.end());
  5. Map

    1. Unordered map, all ops are O(1) on average: insert(), find(), erase(). But these can go to O(N) worst case.
    2. Ordered map: all ops are O(logN)
  6. Priority Queue

    1. priority_queue<int> pq is a maxHeap by default.
    2. To make a mean heap: priority_queue<X, vector<X>, greater<X>> pq.
    3. Ops: push() and pop() are O(logN).
    4. top() is O(1)

Note: operations such as begin(), end(), empty(), size(), front() are always O(1) for almost all DS.


  1. Sorting
    1. sort(v.begin(), v.end()) takes O(NlogN) on average.
    2. Using custom comparators generally don't affect the time complexity. If you want to sort in descending order: Return true if first element is greater than the second: E.g.:
    static bool sortcol(int a, int b) return a > b; //for 1D vector, descending order
    static bool sortcol(vector<int> a, vector<int> b) return a[0] < b[0];
    //for 2D vector such that arranged by ascending order by the first element.